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Article / Thesis


A study on the Spaces which can be Installation Art Involving Storytelling

大学院 修士論文。


Consideration on 《Replaying》 (2015)

2015年、第17回遠州横須賀街道ちっちゃな文化展 出展作品《Replaying》に関する考察文。

未発表《Spread -support-》について

About unpublished 《Spread-support》



《Spread -ZURE-》(2015)に関する考察

Consideration on 《Spread-ZURE -》 (2015)

2015年、第7回アート・ルネッサンス in 浜松 出展作品《Spread -ZURE-》に関する考察文。

『縁から望み続ける -菅木志雄 内外環縁 に触れて-』

"Continue viewing from the edge - Touching 《Naigaikanen》by Kishio Suga -"


A solo exhibition by Kishio Suga, an artist who has been driving the Japanese art movement called "Mono-ha", was held at the Vangi Sculpture Garden Museum in Shizuoka in November 2014. I closed up one of the exhibits 《Naigaikanen》 (1989/2014) and discussed the content that can be dealt with while comparing its workability with the situation of the artist at the time.

芸術批評誌「DARA DA MONDE」(だらだもんで)NO.4 掲載


To purchase《Alternative Space / Snodo Cafe》


A study on the Craftability of Fluid Art

2019年、第21回遠州横須賀街道ちっちゃな文化展 出展ワークショップに際して執筆した考察文。

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